Article updated on 02/15/2023 Since September 2020, SprintProject has been carrying out, in partnership with the media Supply Chain Village, a monthly interview called Start Me Up to introduce Supply Chain professionals to the talented entrepreneurs we follow at SprintProject and whose innovation is a game-changer in the sector. These interviews…

Why and how to make Supply Chain buildings more sustainable?

The logistics building, an efficient building in essence…. but an image to improve Logistics buildings do not have a good press. Seen as vulgar “shoe boxes” which consume a lot of land, distort the landscape and generate new heavy goods vehicle traffic, it is not surprising. And yet, the evolution of consumption patterns and…

Why green Supply Chain buildings?

Logistics buildings today represent one of the key cogs in the Supply Chain. Consequently, they are no exception to the rule: registered in their time, they carry with them the major issues of our time. In the same way as residential buildings, they must therefore be greener, more durable and…

SprintProject, Official Partner of the SITL 2022 for the fourth consecutive year

PRESS RELEASE Paris, March 22, 2022 SprintProject, Official Partner of SITL 2022 for the fourth consecutive year Official partner of SITL (Transport and Logistics Innovation Week) since 2019, SprintProject, the expert in Open Innovation in the Supply Chain will once again be the Start-up’s “Innovation Partner”…

Innovation in the Supply Chain

The world of Supply Chain is a reflection of society; it must constantly adapt and reinvent itself in order to be able to respond to new constraints, expectations and needs. The pandemic that we have been experiencing for several months has been an opportunity to show the importance and resilience of the supply chain by allowing…

DDS Logistics unveils its vision of the Supply Chain in 2030

The Supply Chain in 2030. A vast subject and numerous perspectives around people, processes and new technologies on which Jérôme Bour, CEO of DDS Logistics, gives us his prospective vision. The rise of the consumer towards the “consum'actor” extends beyond the borders of BtoC. From now on, a customer,…

The organization of the urban logistics sector is faced with increasingly restrictive environmental and economic policies.

Indeed, the rise of e-commerce is shaking up the codes: fluidity of online purchases, compression of delivery times, increasing productivity of circuits... With growth of 5% / year, urban logistics will significantly accelerate in the years to come. Every day, 1 in 10 people receive a package. The ten…


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