Connected objects enable significant optimization of activities and thus contribute to the evolution of the Supply Chain. SprintProject, ambassador of Smart Supply, a Supply Chain of tomorrow, connected to all “Smart” ecosystems, wanted to highlight the Internet of Things (IOT) through Sigfox technology.
Designed by transporters and for transporters, Findit through the “Where is my trailer?” service is a innovative solution integrating Sigfox technology, which optimizes the use and security of trailer parks.
On Wednesday September 30, 2020, Findit and the Lahaye Group returned to this connected solution during a dedicated webinar, carried out in partnership with Sigfox.
Fabien Esnoult, President, SprintProject
According to Fabien Esnoult, the impact of connected objects on the Supply Chain is a major global event. However, to what extent will these connected objects transform the Supply Chain? In which territories and what will be their impact on companies’ business models? Initial feedback will be provided from the speakers.
Patrick Cason, Managing Director France, Sigfox
Patrick Cason takes the floor and introduces the subject. Sigfox technology allows the management of mobile assets in companies in a simple and inexpensive way with the aim of tracking equipment, a particularly strategic objective in the industrial Supply Chain sector.
The sensors are used for several years in several thousand units and they are distributed throughout the national and international territory. Their use is therefore obvious for companies in the sector because they make it possible to limit losses and theft but above all to have real-time monitoring of their equipment and movements from the supplier until delivery.
Vincent Pubert, President, Findit
Vincent Pubert takes the floor and discusses the creation of the Findit solution, specially designed to meet growing demand from carriers. The “Findit” connected solution is a product from the TOTAL group that responds to a specific request from carriers regarding the location of their trailers: “Where is my equipment? ". The TOTAL group, through the Findit solution, therefore offers the location and optimization of equipment at low cost, in a SAFE manner (Simple, Autonomous, Reliable, Economical). Using a box integrating Sigfox technology, the Findit solution offers several options to meet demand. Installation of the latter requires only 2 minutes and benefits from a long-lasting battery. A dedicated platform provides access to personalized settings options.
Jean-Baptiste Lahaye, Purchasing Manager, LAHAYE Global Logistics
Jean-Baptiste Lahaye takes the floor and presents his feedback on the use of the Findit solution integrating SIGFOX technology. He briefly recalls the history and establishment of the LAHAYE group, a family business established on 22 sites in France. The latter has a fleet of 500 to 600 engines, partially combined rail/road. Faced with the daily problem of managing the fleet of semi-trailers not assigned to operations, the Lahaye Group turned to connected boxes, in order to improve its control of breakage and equipment monitoring. The boxes connected to the rail/road combination then made it possible, on the one hand, to monitor the fleet, but also to recover data concerning hooks/drops and data concerning the notion of turnover. A total of 1,300 beacons were installed on 92% of the fleet. These installations made it possible to set up indicators tracking the rate of use, travel history or the number of kilometers. The Lahaye Group highlights an improvement in the maintenance of semi-trailers and a clear optimization of workshop management.
The implementation of this IoT technology makes it possible to optimize the management of equipment fleet activities using indicators that provide valuable data, useful for both carriers and their customers. What future for the use of IoT in tomorrow's Smart Supply?
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